alhamdulillah ! tadi mase amek result final A-level aku pass untuk interview for medicine school. TAPI tak confirm lagi la dapat masuk ke tak. harap2 kite semua dapat masuk! aminnn~
CONGRATULATION to those who manage to pass the university requirement. sape2 yang tak lepas don't worry. tryla appeal .ade rezeki tak ke mane punye =) it does'nt mean that it's the end world of yours. it does'nt mean that you are not good enough. Just have faith in Allah (=
okay enough about the result. aku nak cite pasal tv series LEVERAGE nih haa.
tak saba nak tunggu die on air on this 23rd of march !! aaaaa,aku suke parker!
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she is super adorable and beautiful kan ? |
die dah nak masuk season 3 dah tapi kalau dekat over the sea die dah masuk season 4.
okay3!! basically die cerita pasal sorang laki name Nathan Ford ( Nate) nih die macam nak tolong orang2 yang teraniaya la sebab dulu die pernah kene tipu kan. so die buat kumpulan yang terdiri daripada penjenayah2 yang kire top arh kat dunia nih. nanti diorang akan tolong la orang2 yang teraniaya nih. Nate suke cakap "we provide leverage!" *cool ryte ?*
*oh la,aku tak reti arh nak bercerita2 nih.korang cekikdaud la sendiri eyh dekat sini.*
LEVERAGE ! <3 auwmmmm~
ouh ya,i love one quote from this tv series that said ;
renung-renungkan la ye. I think it's quite meaningful. ;)
May Allah bless,
Live your life to the max !!
Have faith in Him.
eh2,kaut tgk gak ke cite ni?? aku suke giler weh leverage ni. tapi slalu missed kat tv. haha.
haha.. aku suka quote tuh!
sebab tu nak cari bad guys! ngahahahaa
zani; tengok!!!! best kan wehhh ? aku sukeeee ;pp
ecah; hahaha..aku lagii suke ;)
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