Hey pipols ! This is a second post for today. Semangat gile kan aku. LOL~ Yeah as what I said before in the previous entry, aku nak buat dah lame dah tapi I AM BUSY, MAN !!! :p
Last Sunday hari tuh kitorang satu family pi Jusco sebab nak cari baju raya. *gile awalkan !! * Aku pun sempat la memborong sepasang seluar and baju. Lepas tu kitorang pi Carrefour pulak nak tengok2 ape ade kat situ. *gaya macam tak pernah pegi Carrefour je :@ * Lepas dah penat2 shopping *ouh this time aku tak beli pape * kitorang makan kat Laksa Shack. And dekat sana adik aku ternampak sorang mamat yang HOT lagi TOUGH. *according to her la sebab aku tak nampak pun* Sempat la jugak die mnggedik kat situ. Muahahahhaha.
And then balik rumah jap lepas siap2 semua kitorang pergi BAGAN LALANG !! This place is superb and magnificient la wehh. Seriously there's a place called Goldcoast something la kan, it's completely breathtaking (: Siape2 yang tak pernah pegi lagi sangat2 la rugi wa cakap lu.
Auwww~mama yang paling ranggi ! wahhh |
Romantika de Amor baby (: |
Bajet nak buat macam pro photographer tapi macam tettt..heh~ |
The second so-called pro photographer |
The third so-called pro photographer :S |
The fourth so-called pro photographer. |
P/S : Just enjoy the view la eyh :p I'm still learning with my new baby (:
When we were heading back to home, on the way nak pergi Bagan Lalang macam sesak gile. Phewww~ Luckily kitorang bertolak awal.
And malam tu pulak kitorang makan steak ! nom nom nom~ Best gileeee :ppp I dont know why on earth papa suddenly baik semacam *not like before nih die tak baik tapi this time loadsss of baik. haiyooh~ * but I guess maybe die baru dapat bonus kot ! Nak mintak ape pun boleh. yeehaaaa :DDD
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Mine is chicken chop. Tapi sebab lapar aku dah ngap dulu :)) |
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My brother ; Lamb steak. errr ke Lamb chop :S |
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The rest ; Black pepper steak. |
Love letter : My waist is getting smaller baby !! bwahahahaha. And to AinaHalid, AisyahRosli, YaniBasir ; Jom pergi BAGAN LALANG !!!! Dont worry I know how to go there . weeehuuuu~
Till the peeps,
Tonnessss of love ~
hahaa.. jom jom jom..! :))
klu stress tgk buku medic, tgk pantai mesti hilang kan..
JOMMMM !! :pp
foto-fotanya bagus bagus ya..
Salam kenal..
your waist? bukanlaaa.. Seluar kau dah makin membesar. huiyoh! ;ppp
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